How should Transactional Licenses be applied for?


Pertaining to the various forms of reproduction, or alternative forms of dissemination, the number of items to be applied for, is:

  • For each item to be distributed to students as part of a course pack, or single handout, the number of course packs or single handouts to be made,
  • For each item to be posted on the Institution’s password-protected, secure internal networks, the number of students enrolled for the specific course or module, in other words, the potential reproduction of the transient electronic copy to be made,
  • For each item to be placed on reserve in the library’s short loan section in copied form (not original published editions!) for possible (or recommended) on-copying by students, the number of students enrolled for the specific course or module, in other words, the potential reproduction of the reserve shelf copy(ies) to be placed.
  • Last Updated Aug 08, 2022
  • Views 18
  • Answered By Zizipho Madibi

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